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Children Activities and Workshops
Whith Dog

Children Activities and Workshops

On this page : 


Holiday activities for children are recommended by Pédadog (see their website). They allow children to learn how to understand, and "drive a dog" (as we say in our dog world jargon). These activities are given in a educational farm where other animals are present (donkeys, sheep, rabbits, hamsters, hens,…). Thus, children spend their day discovering animals, always supervised by qualified instructors.

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The main workshop I recommend is  “Dog Bite Prevention”. It is accessible to all, every 4 months. Dog Bite Prevention can be useful to every person who wants to react correctly when faced with dogs  (like teachers with their pupils, postmen,  homemakers, domestic helpers, children, …). It will show these persons what to do when faced with an aggressive dog. It is also there to increase children’s awareness about the fact the every dog is not a nice and lovely dog, and to teach these children how to approach a dog, who they have to ask first if they can approach the dog, …

Business owners, Post office Directors, or homemakers Directors willing to protect their employees from being bitten by dogs when they go to work in clients homes can book a Dog Bite Prevention Day for their company.


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+32(0)491 92 93 94

Rue Emile Vandervelde, 3
4520 Vinalmont


Price List

Formation canine

Formation Canine

If you are also interested in the Dog Trainer & Behaviorist job, I recommand you the centre de Formation aux métiers du chien. This center provides professional lessons in a very cozy environment. The lessons are given in French.

Admin :en